Saturday, November 13, 2010

Why Blog

I'm a beginning blogger. It's my attempt at holding on to my sanity while watching my children spiral uncontrollably downward! Some days I get so frustrated at their behavior and I desperately need an outlet. So, maybe my outlet can be your entertainment! So let me tell you a little about myself!

I am a 52 year old grandmother, born and reared in the Louisiana. I was the only child of an alcoholic and a mother who had her own demons. She grew up bitter and insecure, which made for a very angry young woman. My parents liked to go out on Friday and/or Saturday nights, so on the weekends they would go dancing at the local bars leaving me with various relatives. Then after partying they would come home and fight for as a teen, I was eager to grow up and be on my own.

At 16 I married my high school sweetheart. I literally went from asking mom and dad to asking my husband. The marriage was abusive, and it took me almost ten years and two kids before I escaped from it. By the age of 25 I had met my current husband, who should be nominated for sainthood in the fact that he has remained by my side throught the turmoil that my family has put us through over the years.

First it was my crazy ex husband, then as my daughters grew up and it became even crazier. My oldest had her first child at 15, she and his father were in jail for dealing drugs by the time she was 20. While in jail my husband and I, along with my ex husband took care of my grandson...after 2 1/2 years in jail she came home. Got involved with another low life, had two children by him, and along the way became an alcoholic.

My youngest daughter was a wonderful child with a sweet disposition. Along the way that child was lost and she begame an angry, rebellous teenager. Over the years she has used drugs, was pregnant at 17, has had 3 children by 3 different men, She cannot stay in a relationship over 2 years and all the relationships have involved domestic abuse with her most likely being he aggressor in most of them...

So this will be what I blog about. The past and the present, whichever happens to be on my mind. Thanks for listening!

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