Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is She or Isn't She

Did I mention in my previous post that I believe my daughter is bipolar or has some  other mental disorder. If not, she is one of the biggest BIOTCHES there is!!! Take yesterday for example...the morning started off well enough. She took her daughters to school, took her son and boyfriend to their respective doctors appointments. She came back home in a good mood, Elijah's cast was removed and she had taken him back to school. She and her boyfriend leave to go to the pharmacy; about 30 minutes later she is in my driveway yelling, cursing at the top of her lungs!! So, needless to say I'm fuming, I open the door and I begin to shout (I shout, not yell or scream) that if she doesn't stop I'm going to call the police and they can just haul them both off! Of course, she screams back something and I go back in the house. Mission accomplished, it does quiet down outside, she may be beating the crap out of him, but at least I'm not having to listen to it!

In the meantime I call my poor husband and whine to him! Poor guy, she is driving me crazy and in turn I'm probably driving him insane!

Yesterday was example #1 of massive mood swing! Today we had example #2...

This morning I awoke thinking about how bad it sucks that I've been off all week, earlier due to sinus infection or a head cold...and today and tomorrow were scheduled. And I'm really aggravated that instead of spending my days in solitude I have Ms. Lunatic and Mr. Worthless in my home. So as I said, I'm a little on the teed off side of life when I log onto facebook to see that my daughter has posted something to her page informing the world (or at least her world on facebook which includes some of my family and friends) that so and so had a threesome at such and such trailer park!!! I calmly post asking her to delete any of my friends and family because she is definitely not behaving any better than the people she writes about. After a while when I don't receive a response, I march myself to the door of her room and inform her that what she has done could be against the law (maybe I'm over embellishing) but that it is none the less a form of bullying or harrassment. Also, I don't want my normal decent friends and family reading that crap and she needs to delete them.

So now, I'm in the peace and quiet of Barnes and Nobles, enjoying my day away from the day to day ignornance that goes on in my home.

So until the next bizzare or stupid incident, hope you have a good day...I feel better now!!

1 comment:

  1. How is it hat so many people have seen this blog, but the others haven't been read...did I post something differently for this to be read and not the others?
